2. Company engaged in hiring temporary workers, ensures a careful selection of personnel by their testing and training. Provided staff with experience, if you want perform skilled work. They are professionally cope with the tasks that you put before them. And you'll save time and money and nerves. As you know, the loss of time in business is tantamount to losing money.
Let's imagine sleek scenario: you are the owner of the company's shipments. Cases are still more or shaky, or rolls. The company has a young and no more than a dozen people. The so-called prelaunch. Orders are also not yet thickly.
That count – whether you need to arrange a permanent job movers (and need at least two) and pay them wages for each day despite the fact that orders may not be 4 -5 days. On the face of ineffective use workforce – the main enemy of business. So not it be easier to use the services of employment agencies and temporary staff use the services of longshoremen once a week or as often, which would you need. You pay only for actual work done and not liable to the employees of the data, no additional obligations. I think, very beneficial and can even say ideal. In America, this segment is now one of the most intensively developing. There exists a mass mikrokompany hiring janitors bebisitterov and other temporary workers. As you know, in the west took root only economically viable and financially based scheme. According to estimates of even the smallest companies (from 1 to 9 employees) who use the services of agencies to hire temporary staff, save for the preliminary study and design workers, an average of 7 hours a week, and mid-sized companies of between 50 to 99 employees – 23 hours per week. Translate into money and get a substantial savings, which can employ to encourage exemplary employees sponsorship and business development. Here is found the most effective way to solve your business problems. It is also necessary to consider what the company provides services in many specialties. Created and constantly updated database of vacancies, at your service – promoters porters, laborers, packers, , operators of the pc operators callas – the center and many other specialties. And yet, as a rule, all temporary workers – Young people or students who, in connection with their studies can not afford a permanent job. Note that this is the most active socially age group, young, physically healthy, ambitious guys who are easily trained and quickly learn new skills that tend to take the initiative and effectively carry out their professional responsibilities. Send for the services of temporary staff at our Agency and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the prices, quality of work done and high quality of our employees.