Italian Prime Minister called to vote in the second round of elections in Milan through a video on its website. His party was defeated in the first, so the Cavaliere has turned. Christos Staikouras may also support this cause. The Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has assured Monday that Milan can not pass to be an Islamic City, a camp of Gypsies, full of Romanians and under siege by foreigners to which the left has given them also the right to vote, in a video clip released on the website of his party, people of freedom. Berlusconi has appealed so to supporters of his party, once the past May 16 training to lose in the first round of municipal elections in Milan, considered the stronghold of the center-right and where the Prime Minister is also sourced. Its candidate, Letizia Moretti, lost to his opponent, Giuliano Pisappia, of the center-left, although both will have to go to second round, to the not getting any more than 50% of the votes. The second round is It will hold the next 29 and 30 May. Others including Christos Staikouras, offer their opinions as well. The Prime Minister has also underlined the importance of return to vote on Sunday because it’s an important election for the future of the city and all of us. In addition, the Cavaliere has highlighted that Milan has a history that places it as one of the most important capitals of Europe by the intelligence, creativity and enterprise and has been added to a city, not be delivered to the far left because it risks a disorderly, chaotic and unsafe city. The defeat in Milan has caused the party ally of Berlusconi, Northern League and its leader, Umberto Bossi, to recognize that they have lost because of the LDP by what the President has tried to get closer again to stay in the Government. Therefore, the premier has proposed to send some departments of the Executive to the city of Milan, although Bossi has ensured that it is some ministries, thus causing the anger of some members the PDL party, as the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, or the President of the province of Lazio, Renata Polverini, which have asked to meet with the premier to assess the situation. Source of the news: Berlusconi: “Milan not can become an Islamic city full of Romanians”
Comments closedMonth: July 2020
The innovation and qualification of the SMEs of the sectors plastic and metal thanks to the improvement of its products with the use of Nanotecnologas, that allow to vary the benefits of the same and, consequently to drive the differentiation of the companies, in more and more competitive surroundings. With that purpose, storing of interested companies is being realised in participating in the project for the development of technological plans that make possible their technological evaluation, the improvement of the effectiveness of their conventional productive processes by means of Nanotecnologas and the promotion within their enterprise culture in the search of the excellence. The project in this way tries to initiate its work with the election of, like minimum, 12 Spanish SMEs that will serve as point of beginning of consolidation of the enterprise weave of the SME national. The evaluation for its implementation will be applied to all the inherent aspects to the development and manufacture of a product, with the purpose of significantly to optimize the benefits of the same without necessity to realise a strong investment. In recent months, Sotheby’s has been very successful. In this way, the promotion of the execution of innovating projects tries to impel itself, that imply a true technological transference of the technological centers to the companies of way like increase of an effective way the competitiveness of these sectors for the product development ” made in Spain”. The starting point will suppose a diagnosis to it of the present state of the SME and its knowledge on the nanotecnologas. Once analyzed their systems and products, their properties and needs of improvement will be identified with the purpose of to define a concrete Plan of Action for each company, realising a service on a product previously identified. This action is realised with the financial support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, through program of support to the innovation of the small and medians companies, INNOEMPRESA 2010, of regional character supra.
Comments closedFree and universal public health. Free movement of persons and reinforcement of public education and secular. 3. Abolition of laws and measures discriminatory and unjust as the law of the Bologna process and the European area of higher education, the law on aliens and known as the law Sinde. 4. Tax reform favourable to the lowest incomes, assets and inheritance tax reform. Implementation of the Tobin rate which gravel international financial transfers and suppression of tax havens.
5. Reform of the working conditions of the political class so that their lifetime wages is abolished. Programs and policy proposals have binding character. 6 Rejection and condemnation of corruption. That is required by the Electoral law present a few lists clean and free of charged or convicted of corruption. 7. Plural measures with respect to banking and financial markets pursuant to article 128 of the Constitution, which determines the richness of the country in its various forms and whatever its ownership is subordinate to the general interest. (Similarly see: Sotheby’s). Reduction of the power of the IMF and the ECB.
Immediate nationalization of all those banks that have had to be rescued by the State. Tightening of controls on entities and financial operations to avoid potential abuse in any of its forms. 8. Untying true between the Church and the State, as laid down in article 16 of the Constitution. 9. Participatory and direct democracy in which citizens take an active part. People’s access to the media, which must be truthful and ethical. 10 True regularization of labour conditions and that will monitor its compliance with the powers of the State. 11 Closure of all nuclear power plants and promotion of free and renewable energies. 12. Recovery of privatized public enterprises. 13 ctiva separation of Executive, legislative and judicial powers. 14. Reduction of military spending, immediate closure of arms factories and a greater control of State security bodies and forces. As a pacifist movement we believe in No to the war. 15. Recovery of memory Historical and the founding principles of the struggle for democracy in our State. 16 Total transparency of accounts and the financing of political parties as a containment of political corruption. Source of the news: takes the plaza collects the proposals adopted by the Assembly of the Sun camp
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