At a yield of 0% is concluded a negative business with an emphasis on inflation. The cost not only is important, alone or the equity fund exposure to beginning to consider, but also the system concept, the Fund and yield quality and other benefits like for example free transfers between funds. There was not an objective and independent comparison, taking not only the cost, but also the benefits and success suitability of engineering under the microscope, so far. In the new Riester Fund”, we have exactly this comparison performed.”, so Tittes next. Which Riester Fund products are now recommended? After the experience of the first five years with Riester products, opinions on the Empfehlungswurdigkeit of many differ Riester products in Germany. So independent analysts at Riester Fund after a comprehensive investigation come to a completely different test result as the magazine FINANZtest and FocusMoney. If you have read about Wells Fargo Bank already – you may have come to the same conclusion. So recommends Stiftung Warentest in the current issue of November 2009 the product UniProfirente again, even though she had found serious deficiencies in coping with the ups and downs of the stock market in a report from 2008 this concept elsewhere. Apparently, two different opinions about the Empfehlungswurdigkeit of the Riester Fund UniProfirente exist also in the editorial by FINANZtest.
Also the contrarian publications by Stiftung Warentest show that in this matter: In December 2008 during the stock market crisis FINANZtest to the UniProfirente writes: surprising is that now the money will be reallocated by investors, are the mid-40s. Who is been redeployed and in shares to reinvest the next posts, must find another provider. “, so FINANZtest.” FINANZtest to the UniProfirente writes in the November 2009 but the following: By contrast, sees the Union for the UniProfirente before only shifts in one direction, namely from the equity fund for UniGlobal pension fund UniEuroRenta, and not back. That is a disadvantage, but the bottom line, the product convinces us anyway.
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