Being that the text originates noted that the publication should take place in the official newspaper and the amendment states that only requires the publication in the portal Website of the institution concerned and do not have this on the web portal of the Peruvian State, I think that this contradicts Constitution.En seriously effect as already discussed the State Constitution of 1993 has scheduled to take place by the official gazette so that this rule can acquire force, so the rules of inferior rank who violate this provision are unconstitutional. In the same way the Tax Code in its Standard X on the observance of prescribed rules to fiscal matters, specifies that the tax laws governing the day following its publication in the official gazette, and explicitly states that decisions containing directives or instructions to fiscal matters that are of general application shall be published in the Official Journal. In that sense it is clear that the tariff classification rule in the part referred to the Code contradicts. But we must admit that human relationships have changed and the way we communicate, it is not wrong to say that one can be thousands of miles of other people but always be in constant communication, and this has been possible thanks to new technologies, among which computer and internet . It is not difficult to see every day the use of public Internet booths in our country, one can also learn about local and world news entering the relevant website, we can also receive communications from our family, friends and accessing our own address, also verify business processes to the intranet of you, learn the status of court proceedings, etc.. In short there is no denying that this technology reaches more speed and more places and even a very small price. The publication is also not difficult to imagine that, in effect, a publication of the rule in web portals or web sites of institutions can achieve greater advertising in real terms as a completed only in newspaper paper is more, we should note that in the process of contrasts and government procurement, these are made public, which is nothing but the publication process , stages, decisions issued in these over the Internet using the respective web site, recognizing as valid the parties receiving notifications through this channel. In other words, we believe that technology is taking by assault on our way to see and regulate things. The first and legalistic view of our commitment and respect for constitutional and legal hierarchy can not but conclude that the standard indicated in the share of customs classification, conflicts with the disclosure requirements that are contained in constitution so we consider the unconstitutionality of that norm. In respect to the modifications made in the customs classification procedures carried out with the publicity requirements referred to, no shall have binding effect, as in the strict sense that advertising is not contemplated in the Constitution, as well given the lack of standard existence.Finally, we believe it is necessary to shape through a constitutional reform to expand the possibility for certain cases and a hierarchy of rules, for now, the possibility of enforcing the requirement of the standard publicity through any means other than publication in the official gazette, as would be the publication by electronic means.
Comments closedMonth: July 2015
The pharmacy market in Pforzheim opened after a long planning and preparatory work your own online shop on the Internet. The pharmacy market has long been an institution in Pforzheim, and now also sells products over the Internet. The store impresses with its wide and cheap range of drugs and by his beautiful and functional design. The pharmacies history of the family Kraus begins before 1910. At that time, opened the first pharmacy in Bavaria under the name Mary’s Pharmacy in Benediktbeuern. Even then the pharmacist family was known for innovation. With the move from Bavaria to Baden Wuerttemberg in 1980, was today’s pharmacy Pforzheim. The family business is currently led by third-and fourth-generation pharmacist. In the field of online pharmacy new jobs were created. Experts take care of logistics and marketing. A move to new premises is probably pretty soon to. The acceptance by the customer is large and there are daily adding new clients. Thus, the future of the pharmacy is secured. The broad range of servicesthe pharmacy is far beyond the city limits Pforzheim known. Customers receive a detailed and expert advice in all disciplines of pharmacy. The staff of the pharmacy regularly attend training courses and training sessions to discuss current and usual competent advice. Of course, belong to the good services of the pharmacy and blood pressure, blood sugar and Cholesterinmessung.Ein Breastpump Boy and Pari nebulisers rental is offered as well as a free customer card with the customer 3% of the purchase from the range can save all Freiwahlartikel. Also in the Pforzheimer Einhorn pharmacy partner pharmacy. This is also located in the district of Pforzheim Brtzingen.
As a result of a continuing drought, thirst, hunger, and disease plaguing more than 12 million people in East Africa. Lyricist-emergency assistance supported in the network with a fundraiser. The motto of the action is “services offered – honorary donation” and so it will expire: on the side of the still young XING group copywriters, graphic designers, and other service providers can adjust offers at a predetermined price. A customer book this offer, the service provider gives the complete fee. The goal is 500,00 euro. The promotion will run until October 31, 2011. More offers and customers for these offers are welcomed.
A service “Donate” or buy a can here:. So offers for example Patricia Appel of Purtext currently on a press release with setting for 90,00 euro net. Already sold is a Startseitentext for 80.00 euros, owner of Word child offered by Ursula Martens. This 80,00 euro already fill the donation pot. All donations go to the action Germany help. The action Germany help national is an Alliance of several and international aid organizations.
In 2010, the Federation received the transparency award by PricewaterhouseCoopers. In 2011, the DZI seal for the prudent use of donations followed. Help on the Web page of the action of Germany is a separate page for the fundraiser by lyricist-decorated in the network. There, also the donation status can be tracked in real time. The new XING Group turns free or hired writers and authors. Joint fundraisers to permanently establish itself as part of the group. Also can employers there advertise copywriter jobs, clients set text orders, publishers and authors get know each other and writers present their offers. Also writing competitions are lyricist-presented in the network. “In the Group lyricist-in the network have lyricist and principal as well as authors and Publishers know the room to himself without any obligation to learn and to exchange ideas”, as founder and moderator of the group, Ursula Martens. “For agencies and companies that employ their own copywriter, the Group has become a wealth of professional should Lyricist staff.” Photo credits: 1 Redshinestudio – company description of Word child : copywriter and founder coach Ursula Martens founded in January 2007 your company Martens media services first as a full service advertising agency. In May 2008, the company calls itself to in Word child Wortkind. Since then created lyrics for radio spots and Flash movies, press releases, product descriptions, claims and slogans, the copywriter editorial and advertising texts such as letters and mailings, website texts, flyers texts, phone guides. Meanwhile, the text Agency recorded nearly four hundred satisfied customers from Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. Personal service and advertising copy with intellect and emotion are the hallmarks of Word child Wortkind. About Ursula Martens: Ursula Martens studied first at the Georg-August University in Gottingen and then at the Technical University in Berlin after a commercial apprenticeship. Major, choosing among marketing at Prof. Dr. Volker Trommsdorff. The study completes it as a diploma in economics. Then sniffs Ursula Martens initially Berlin print shop air at Pressedruck Henke GmbH & co. KG. After the family break, she manages the advertising manager in a small dealership until she decides in 2007 for independence. Company contact: Word child Wortkind Ursula Martens Katharina-GAL-Strasse 16 85356 Freising Tel: 08161862767 E-Mail: Web:
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