Available in: . Access in: 14abr. 2006) The rosiano story ' ' Desenredo' ' paraas gains adaptation screens in the shortness of Raquel de Almeida the Prado, filmed in May of 2001 in cidadede So Paulo. In 2001, Vitor of the Borysow Coast records a sobrea set of documents native city of Pink Guimares intitled roseana Cordisburgo: the cidaderecriada one. In the following year, 2002, Anglica Del Nery it finishes asfilmagens of Book for Manuelzo, a set of documents of aproximadamentevinte and six minutes that started to be filmed in 1996, one year before mortede Manuelzo. Finally, launched in 2003, we have the set of documents intituladoRosas of hinterland, directed for Ludmila Gonalves, Mariana Belluzzi Blacksmith, Helium Villela, Joana Garfunkel and Ana Paula Bruggione, who counts on depoimentose cases of the former-cattle tender and accountant of estrias Dico Wolf and of the JosOsvaldo trader, the Brasinha, said that me personally that this video was not filmadocom the intention of being published under the set of documents form. Although not to have been transposed for another sistemasemitico, the story ' ' Face-of-Bronze' ' the maistransemitico rosiano story can be considered, have its structure narrative, fundamentalmentedividida in narration; dialogues; cantigas; script, that, in this narrative, vemacompanhado of lyric cantos; descriptions, as much in the narrative principalquanto in baseboard notes. According to Benedict Nunes in its article ' ' The trip doGrivo' ' , trovas of Joo Someone is the lyric part of the story.
The partepica of ' ' Face-of-Bronze' ' it must developing of the plot, oumelhor, from its (DES) plot. In its text ' ' Who of the things: ademanda of palavra' ' , analysis of the narrative ' ' Face-of-Bronze' ' the partirdos literal sorts, Maria Cristina Viecili says that ' ' the representaesdramticas appear say through them of the personages who … establish themselves with epic aslricas and, or under the form of cinematographic script where it has apassagem of the art narrative for the visual art and the fusing of the epic one and dolrico.' ' (VIECILI.
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