In this relation, school and community the one that belongs, the study of local history tends to approach both for the fact to be on directly, even though in the search for improvements and resolutions of common problems, what it takes the pupil to be participant asset of this educational and same reform of its quarter, community and city. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF the STUDY OF LOCAL HISTORY With a historical boarding directed toward local history, the pupils will not only despertaro in itself the notion of whom they are active formadores of the history of its community, and of the community, but for being integrant of a country, they will be also historical citizens of its nation, leaving to be imperceptible historical objects to be citizens descriptions, (exactly leading in account that great historians will be able not to study its lives) they will know that they are part of a historical formation and that they are integrant part and of great importance for the social construction, taking them it a valuation and redescoberta of its proper history and culture, beyond if to feel with an indispensable paper for the future generations that in its community will live there, after all, are not expectadores, and yes, transforming politicians, cultural and historical. We also see through this proposal of boarding the formation of the historical conscience of the young, what for they could be banal or simple event, now passes to be a part of its memory and its history, for one better understanding I place the example of the party of padroeiro of Quixeramobim-Ce (my city), in this, all the population if padroeiro saint puts into motion in way to the accomplishment them commemorations it, where, the economy if puts into motion of form significant, and active the participant authors of this, are accurately the citizens, then, nothing each one could happen if of that they pass the months that the party precedes, saving so that when arriving the commemorative days these come to make purchases and to put into motion the commerce consequentemente and the party. .
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