Stewart (1998) understands that the entrance of the knowledge as competitiveness factor and the importance of the supply of intellectual capital marks a economic revolution that is creating ' ' It was of the Conhecimento' '. For Terra and Weiss (2002), if before based strategical advantages in localization, cheap man power, natural resources and the financial capital had determinative papers, currently, verify it existence of diverse signals of that the knowledge is a determinative factor for the competitiveness, therefore: ' ' A moment of important transistion of the economic environment is lived, where the efforts of protection of the copyright are increasing and the pro-active management of the knowledge acquires a paper central' ' (LAND; WEISS, 2002, p.2). The change of ' ' It was Industrial' ' for ' ' It was of the Conhecimento' ' it is a period of transistion that, according to Stewart (1998), provokes a crisis in the standards established e, at the same time, it represents a new chance for that they obtain to feel airs of changes and to capitalize action and efforts to adapt itself to the transformations. This change of paradigms became necessary the accomplishment of guided and co-ordinated actions the strategies of the organization for attainment of new knowledge. The set of these actions had been part of the changes that had given origin to the Management of the Knowledge, hollow subject of this study where of it intends to demonstrate the application of the management of the knowledge in the practical ones you manage. 3. The IMPORTANCE OF the MANAGEMENT OF the KNOWLEDGE FOR the ORGANIZATIONS AND ITS PERFORMANCE From the moment where the knowledge gains importance and its flow becomes more dynamic, starts to be necessary changes, not only in the elements of production but, also, in the managemental structure, the procedures and the individual and collective behaviors of the organizations.