That’s a metaphorical Jarabacoa is over 600 meters above sea level and the sky can be touched with the fingertips. LMG. Will the green and the heights of inspiration or build more effective than a beer and a song by President Sandro TH. I’m glad you that question because, really green, mountain, thundering river which runs near the place where we are, help and inspiration we have shown at the festival is not necessary that poets are taking to talk of poetry can bring wine and beer but the festival itself does not promote alcohol use in the event. Just today is to read the ‘communicating vessels’ we do every year at the festival in which every poet must write an anonymous verse and contribute to the communicating vessels, the whole issue of communicating vessel today revolves precisely around the mountain, the river green. LMG.Tell me about that moment of light in which you thought this festival of poetry of the mountain. TH. It was a conversation between the poet Carmen shopping, Santiago, and I, in one of the salons we were doing in what was Lincolm art gallery, a gallery that boomed here in Jarabacoa and which belonged to the painter friends Valentin Acosta and Juan Bravo. They ensured that every last Friday of the month we could find in the gallery painters, poets, artists of all aspects, to have some kind of party, and Carmen Buy Travel from Santiago to be with us, and I said, after we had done a poetry reading, “We must make a poetry festival in the mountains,” and she answered me “seems a good idea.” Then, Valentin Acosta said “I get funding,” so the festival was forward with determination and even financing.That was the magical moment in the emergence of the festival, the only regret I have is that Carmen Buy has never attended any of the festivals in spite of all the invitations that we make. LMG. Then, Taty, what the festival, tell us your goal and its organizational process. TH. First, I define you the festival which is designed as a space for the I century poets to abandon the daily routine, big cities and come to meet here in the mountains, and like I said, bringing the verse in the look and interest that can touch the stars with the tips of his fingers, that’s the definition of the festival is an international festival and is not intended to internationalize it, although we have international guests since the beginning of fesival.The poets came last year from Puerto Rico and Cuba who were motivated, this year we have people of Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, yesterday we were reading in English of a U.S. poet and a poet Brazilian Portuguese, that is, the festival grows, it is raising awareness in other countries. On the organization, the festival is mounted on the basis of objectives that we have identified and are to promote contact and solidarity between artists, promoting cultural ecotourism, encouraging participation of young people and make it easier for younger poets to meet embodied, that’s one of my satisfaction, for example, can see a Joseph Marble on the sidelines with a girl of a literary workshop in a broad conversation between them, and that is what we seek, a place for us poets meet with poets and poetry.
Month: December 2009
Duke of S dermanland Carlos was born on October 4, 1550 in Stockholm Castle, son of King Gustav Vasa and Margaret of Sweden. Through the will of her father received an inheritance, the duchy of S dermanland, which included the province of the same name and some parts of N rke and V stmanland. His dignity of duke allow him to rule the region almost as sovereign. However, it could assert their rights during the reign of his brother Erik XIV. As a teenager, Charles received military training, and stress in the artillery branch. Precisely because of his military prowess in 1568 successfully participate in the uprising against Erik XIV, led by his brother John. Erik’s overthrow in 1569, John would get the crown, and Charles could take possession of his dukedom and acquire a position of great influence in the country. When King John III went over to Catholicism, Carlos was the strongest opponents.The king had been educated to the Crown Prince Sigismund, in the Catholic religion, in order to make it a candidate for the Polish throne and achieve a union between Sweden and Poland. Charles ran for maintaining the independence of Sweden initiated by Gustav Vasa and maintain Lutheranism as the state religion. On the death of John III in 1592, it became clear the influence of Duke Charles, then he and the council headed the provisional government that ruled in the moments before the arrival of the heir, King Sigismund III of Poland. The religious question, as in the days of the former king would be taken up again, this time with greater interest, as Sigismund was a devout Catholic and supporter of the Counter feared the possibility that it sought to return to Sweden to papal authority. Sigismund, on his arrival, he promised before the council of religious freedom in Sweden, and under this promise was crowned in Uppsala in 1594. But the new king had commitments in Poland and his stay in Sweden would be very short.Decided to leave a government on their behalf in the summer of 1594. Duke Charles and the advice offered proposals to maintain the country’s independence in the new personal union with Poland. Perhaps because of its defense of Lutheranism, Carlos found the support of the board and part of the aristocracy, though the duke wanted to take over some sort of internship during the king’s absence. The king granted administrative functions as both the council to Charles, but his powers remained ambiguous, and instead preferred to give counts of lieutenants to several of his colleagues, who favored the Catholic interests. In this situation rebelled Duke Charles, and in partnership with the council, proclaimed himself “Supreme Head and regent of the kingdom” and began to govern on its own. Charles summoned a parliament in 1595 in S derk ping, there was full power to exercise the regency.
The Company COPEINCA its Social Responsibility program decides to improve the quality of life of its crew and workers and their families through self-employment initiatives, making the recipients to generate their own income, which we are greatly needed, especially in times closed.COPEINCA proposed Business Plan Competition, which awards the 10 best business plans with a zero-interest financing. It aims to improve the income of 119 beneficiaries among crew members and workers COPEINCA by generating self-employment. With the implementation of the project will benefit 10 fishermen and their families to be able to implement their business through credit extended by COPEINCA, likewise will have 119 trained fishermen and have a business plan that may not necessarily implement the loans but with other resources. These initiatives implemented by the Consortium: Union for Social Development – UNPADS, Proyectos y Soluciones Integrales SAC – SAC PROSOLINT, Center for Research and Economic Development, Social and Environmental – CIDESMA, Enterprise and Trade Solutions Choose SAC – CHOOSE SAC Silicium Group SAC and Orellana Relief Funded by Manrique and MINDES, FONCODES and SWISSCONTACT, improve the quality of life of beneficiaries and their families who are affected in times of closure on everything.Indirectly, these businesses will benefit others in the productive sector that we work as somehow engages in production and marketing chain, generating employment to another sector. Action taken: – Workshop Build a business idea. – Marketing Workshop. – Cost Workshop. – Advice on Business Plans. – Business Ideas Competition. Timeframe: April to August 2007. Locations of performance: Chicama, Bayovar, Casma, Huarmey and Paita.
Hazarayat is a region of central Afghanistan inhabited by the Hazara people. The capital is Bamiyan. The famous Buddhas destroyed by the Taliban in 2001 were in this region .
During the nineteenth century was independent and was ruled by local leaders with their own armies. The principal leaders were Mir Bakhsh of Behsud Yazdan, Mir Sadik Beg of Sarjangala, and local chiefs Jaghori, Sangi Takht and Miran. During this century, the region began to pay tribute to the Emir of Afghanistan in return for free trade.
In 1880 is installed on the Afghan throne Abd al-Rahman, who decided to bring the region, invading. After two years of resistance and massacres that affected about half of the Hazara population, Hazarayat was dominated by Afghanistan in 1893. The Hazaras became slave labor (thousands of Hazaras were sold as slaves) and many were exiled from the country. Slavery was not abolished until 1923.
After the Soviet withdrawal from 15 February 1989 and the establishment of the national reconciliation policy of Najibullah, the Islamic parties formed an interim government of Afghanistan (AIG) but the Hazaras were withdrawn.
Radical Islamic groups took Kabul in 1992. Rabbani’s new president ordered the removal from the main Hazara on 7 June 1992.
The Hazara leader Karim Muhammed Kalili start an offensive in a few months Hazarayat expelled from government forces of President Rabbani (Summer 1995). Rabbani install north in the territory occupied by the Tajik people.
Subsequently, neither the government nor the subsequent Taliban Hamid Karzai have been able to retake the region to Afghanistan, though officially part of the country.
1. Encyclopaedia Iranica, “Historical Geography of Hazarayat” by Arash Khazeni. ‘Article
2. Afghan’s security interests are inextricably linked to those of the US underscores requests from the US to formulate a framework for a strategic agreement Encyclopaedia Iranica, “Hazarayat Origne and history”, by Alessandro Monsutti. ‘Article
‘In Encyclopaedia Iranica never refers to Hazarastan as suggested in some articles from Wikipedia in other languages, it is possible that in some countries is so, in Castilian Hazarayat the correct term is adapting the sound of “j” to the Persian Castilian phonetics, this is with a “y”. As anecdote Ferdowsi in “”h-n’ma” (The Book of Kings), refers to Hazarayat (Persian Haz’raj’t) as “Barbarest’n (Barbarestan) region independent Tur’n / Turan.
Definition. A data warehouse is an integrated data set to a subject oriented, time-varying and non-transient, which support the decision making process of government. (WH Inmon, considered the father of data warehouse). Data warehouse is a relatively new concept, aimed Direct Sales at handling large volumes of data from various sources, of many types. These data cover long periods of time, which brings different schemes that take the source database. The concentration of this information is geared to your analysis to support decision making timely and informed. Your name, Data warehouse (warehouse or data warehouse) is associated with a collection of large data, from operating systems and other sources, after applying the processes of analysis, selection and transfer of selected data.Its mission is, from these data and supported by sophisticated analysis tools to obtain useful information to support decision making. The Data warehousing or storage of data is the process of gathering historical information in agora an organization (s) stand (s) central database (s). The data will have their source in operational systems, which were selected to transfer information. These data can be stored in relational databases, hierarchical files, flat files, etc.. Because of this it is necessary to carefully analyze and define data represent the essence or philosophy of business that intends to handle and which will be important for the goal that has been determined to hold datos.La information on the imported data is stored in metadata , which are precisely those describing Call transfer services data from operational systems. The metadata stored information on formats, meaning and origin of the data and provide, therefore, access, navigation and data management Lead generation services in the cellar. These are data about data. Data Source: Operational data updated by applications OLTP (On Line Transaction Processing.Online transaction processing.). They are stored in operational databases. Integrated Database: Organized by specific interests. OLTP transactions reflecting historical information accumulated for years or in general for long periods. This differentiates it from other databases. They are usually relational databases. You could say that is the decision support server that adds marketing solutions value to data from sources in production. Directory Information: Lists the system which data are available, in what format and how to access them. Build your metadata from the metadata of the databases that are on the network.They are vital aid for Database Administrators DBA. Data Replication Manager: Responsible for copying and distribution of data in accordance with NME the design.
did not forget anything. The Lionesses still have that inner flame, that mystique of equipment. Today we showed in the Champions Trophy Henry Fool final to win by 6 to 2 to Germany at home. IMDB The goals were scored Soledad Garcia, Alejandra Gulla (3), Claudia Burkart and Carla Rebecchi. Gulla with these three thus became the top scorer in Argentina’s tournament at this level and the third worldwide. Argentine Girls showed steadily since the beginning of the game, a few minutes later came the first goal of Sole Garcia, then MOVIEmeter left to rest above 3.1. In the 35th minute took director the final total to a German domain lackluster in experienced players who User Rating did not appear as Keller was thanks to the good performance of girls led by Gabriel Minadeo. Luciana Aymar was once again elected the best player. It is the third gold medal for female hockey in our country, the other titles on the 2001 Champions Trophy and the World Championships in Perth Australia in 2002. Precisely this important triumph comes ahead of the Olympic Games, the only gold medal that hung lacking after silver in dominica 2000 in Sydney and bronze in Athens 2004. The hope and the team are to begin to turn that dream Olympics awards for missing so little.
Cruz de los Esteros, Veracruz, is premiering products clinic. After much work to paint, remodel, repair and whitewash, deliver medical equipment to these business opportunity communities that lacked service. The team will allow women and men have access to a supplements good diagnosis to have nutrition the instrumental to achieve this. The supplement Victoria is a farming community far from any kind of medical attention. Today his clinic have already refurbished and equipped with the ability to vitamins practice minor surgery, preparing shipments and provide dignified care to the residents. Dona Marina, the health promoter was happy about his wish fulfilled after many years: to give attention to their neighbors. Delivery liquid of health clinic refurbished and herbal equipped in network marketing Flores Magon, Veracruz. This was a holiday for all. Together we health load and condition of this community clinic health products located in the Glof of Mexico in Tecolutla. Women weight loss and men in the communities of Cross of the Marshes, The Guadalupe Flores Magon and are working to get a new community clinic. The health supplements clinic is part of Women Healers, which bring medical care vitamin to low-income communities in Tecolutla, Veracruz. Thanks to Pfizer for supporting herbs this program. Your Health program to enhance care in communities of fewer resources Tecolutla, Veracruz. The program, natural fully pyramid equipped community clinics with the tools needed to make diagnoses, treatments and daily nutritional care and emergency. high quality products, and a very competitive commission structure are the right formula for believes the combination of its talented and dedicated workforce, coupled with its outstanding and loyal independent Associates We create promotional campaigns to practice at home, preventive health services. Children Hueytepec, Tecolutla learn to nutritional supplements identify symptoms of the disease …
The tools and resources of corporate marketing information management unit is working in kelantan an enterprise information. petaling jaya It is what it feeds on a daily basis in order to function, the raw material for effective decision making and is the most important factor for success in both business and for adequate motivation of employees. A good information management supports the achievement of the objectives that the company is drawn annually. All employees of the company need it to carry out malasya their daily work. . . So keep it at hand, knowing where to look and have the right tools kl map supporting better delivery of klang results. Try to avoid falling into the error that “information” is everything. Events are relevant to communication as a group of individuals may be of interest for either decision kepada making or to be knowledgeable about the environment.Discriminate what information and what-not then communicated to the malasyia public concerned, is a good way to begin to manage information within the context of the company. To identify what information and what perniagaan not, you can classify the objective pursued. Self-interest may occur, for shah alam example to signify a pelancongan certain image in your environment, or demands, formal or not, for operators who have kesan a sarawak stake in the company. Under this latter section could include: jawatan kosong Mandatory Information economics and finance. pahang Institutional information to agents with which it operates, such as financial institutions, shareholders, suppliers, etc.. For information derived from self-interest in usahawan establishing an image, we might consider: The public relations activities. Publicity and promotion in the field of marketing both kuantan Communication internally.What is needed for proper langkawi management Experts recommend that a department responsible for internal management of information. That is, in many cases, the task of the Human Resources department, while other companies prefer that you do need the Department malaisia of Communication. Keeping employees abreast malesia of what happens in the organization is a way to reduce uncertainty, to malyasia provide more motortrader peace of mind. Manage information in times of crisis is all the more important because this ringgit would prevent undesirable speculation, as any rumor, repetition make come true. And often (if not almost all) the rumors are false or exaggerated. For all this, provide adequate information, say the right and important to the trivial aside, and perodua notify the appropriate persons (those you are to use) is the correct way to manage internal information.What is the purpose of information management in the internal aspect The management information is to reduce barriers in communication. The taman bigger a company, more barriers exist and therefore should be more coordinated communication. Communiqu aims to support all staff and the business plan is what a company as a whole: its goals and mission, its resources, its staff and hierarchical controls. With proper management of information is obtained: The involvement of people. It allows cuti cuti a better understanding of the company as well as developments from occurring. It reduces uncertainty, anxiety and senarai stress. Furthermore, it suggests that values the receiver, incorporating it acknowledges its place within the organization and reinforces group cohesion. motor trader The melaka harmony of the shares of the malasiya company.Facilitate compliance with the general objectives: a company that kancil reports to all staff what is happening, and report it without making distinctions, kota kinabalu helps all its components are in the same direction. A change in attitudes. Both in times of crisis and success, communication can assimilate the changes and promote cultural change. For example, all staff communicate positive news as the purchase of a new company, or even declining sales, the receiver integrates jalan the results of the company and predisposes him to accept the new guidelines. And an increase in productivity. Internal communication, in this case johor related more to the selangor training aspect, it also helps improve employee quality of work: instructions, procedures and rules universiti favor the optimization of time and resources. In addition, staff awareness regarding the objectives of profitability.For example, the introduction of improvement groups (see page 19) increases employee productivity and in turn increases the involvement and identification with the company. The internal communication plan for the entire internal kedah communication is consistent, go in one direction and is directly related to external communication has been to establish a foundation that supports it all: the internal terengganu communication plan.
Badminton sandwiches at the 2007 diner Pan American Games (Redirected from Pan American Games Badminton 2007) The birthday cake badminton cupcakes at the 2007 Pan American Games had five events, two male, two female wedding cakes and cupcake one mixed. There being no definition of third cakes parties, the baker bronze medal was given to the two countries that lost in the semifinals. Badminton cookies events were played pastries in Hall 4B Riocentro Sports birthday cakes Complex in Rio wedding cake de pastry Janeiro, Brazil, between breads 14 bread and 19 bakery in July 2007. Chairman of the Humpty Dumpty Institute , is an accomplished entrepreneur, attorney, and senior business executive in New York City