Porfirio D az.
Francisco I. Madero.
Venustiano Carranza.
Since the late nineteenth century was gestated movements against the dictatorship of Porfirio D az, and Guerrero in the most famous was that of A. Canuto Neri, against Governor Francisco O. Arce, in 1893, where forces were defeated Maple yy provisionally Neri, took the governorship.
In 1891 developed a movement led by Jose Cuevas who came to collect a large number of communities in the Central Valley and sought by the fall of the dictatorship.
In 1901, the emergence of a new uprising in Mochitlan and Quechultenango, led by Gabino Gardena and Anselmo Bello, who proclaimed the plan of the vulture. In Diaz was unknown to the president, demanded respect for democratic elections and the allocation of land. Know the location Diaz andalusia andalusia Col. Victoriano Huerta command to quell the rebellion.
In 1909 the landowner coahuilense Francis I. Madero published the book “The Presidential Succession in 1910” and travel around the country in an unprecedented political tour, organized the National Party Antirreeleccionista, which had branches in most states of the republic. In Huitzuco, under the guidance of Octavio Bertrana, was formed the “Circle Antirreeleccionista Juan N. Alvarez, led by the brothers Ambrose, Romulo and Francisco Figueroa.
In February 1911, Figueroa waged one of the first fighting in the south in the Rio Atenango In July, after the fall of Diaz and during the internship Francisco Leon de la Barra book is the first fight of the Zapatista Army, commanded by Emiliano Zapata.
When the Constituent Congress took place (between December 1916 and January 1917) in Queretaro, Guerrero attended by three members, who fought mainly by the inclusion of land rights in the Magna Carta, which was enshrined in Article 27.
The State supported the Plan of Agua Prieta and lvaro Obreg n in revolt against President Venustiano Carranza, in 1920. In fact, Obregon Carranca escape disguised as police and fireman got to Chilpancingo, where he began his movement.
At the time of the so-called miracle was a Mexican tourist development of Guerrero, Acapulco mainly inspired pro Miguel Alem n Vald s, president between 1946 and 1952. In 1950, the Coast Acapulco was named in honor of German.
During the 1970s the state of Guerrero was the scene of several opposition movements to the PRI regime in the country. Pushed somewhat by the little attention to their demands, a group of teachers’ including Lucio Cabanas and Genaro Vazquez ‘opted for armed struggle. The National Revolutionary Civic Association and the Brigade of execution of the Party of the Poor had a great impact on domestic public opinion. The latter group, led by Cabanas Barrientos, Ruben Figueroa Figueroa abduction (and future senator from Guerrero state governor) in 1974, which led to a harsh crackdown by the Mexican Army. As a result, Cabanas Barrientos was killed in Tecpan de Galeana, so that other members rushed to the guerrillas of the Sierra Madre del Sur. Others were arrested and disappeared. These facts are part of the Dirty War in Mexico. Years later, also in the region of the Costa Grande, the state police murderer to 17 peasants in Aguas Blancas ford (Coyuca de Benitez) on June 28, 1995. The following year, rose in arms the Popular Revolutionary Army, which was supposed guerrillas linked to the Partido Revolucionario Obrero Clandestino Union-People’s Party of the Poor (PROCUP-PDLP).
Con la fundacion del Partido Nacional Revolucionario (hoy Partido Revolucionario Institucional) en 1929 todos los gobernadores provinieron de este partido, hasta que en las elecciones del 6 de febrero de 2005, el perredista Zeferino Torreblanca, derrotoal candidato del PRI, Hector Astudillo.
Since early 2006 a prevailing climate of insecurity in Guerrero .
Although the state has always been classified as violent from the first half of 2006, when they were found in Acapulco, decapitated heads of people, the climate of insecurity increases even more.
Since December 2006, the federal government of Felipe Calder n, beginning the military occupation of various parts of the country, like Michoacan and Tijuana, as of December 14, Guerrero.
On April 6, 2007 assassinated the correspondent for Televisa in Acapulco, Amado Ramirez Dillane, who came to transcend international borders.
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