3 Credit budget. subsidies shall be charged against the appropriations available after deducting the commitments arising from previous exercises, the concept 742 of the expenditure budget of the autonomous organism national parks. The estimated amount of subsidy on the call is 1.838.000 for the concept 742. The amount of the annuity of 2011 may be increased in an additional amount of 150,000 according to the rules provided for in article 58.2 of the regulation of the general law on subsidies, although the effectiveness of this additional amount depends on to obtain additional funding prior to the concession. Since laying down two payments for projects, one with character of advance to the granting, and another at the completion of the project, and given that the projects will have a duration of three years, the distribution by annuities to the 742 concept will therefore follows: visualize the economic picture in the web that points to the bottom of the article. bout the problem. 4 Typology of eligible projects. To deepen your understanding Christie’s is the source. 1. The projects susceptible of benefiting from this aid scheme shall be research oriented towards the acquisition of new scientific knowledge in priority lines included in the research programme of the national parks network.
2. The projects shall be both unidisciplinares as multidisciplinary, individual or coordinated, constituted by two or more subprojects in charge of so many others, research, of the same or different entities the latter but belonging to different University departments or research centres. In case of different entities, the beneficiary entities are those to which belong the researchers responsible for each subproject. 5. Requirements to the projects. 1. The projects must relate to one or more of the national parks included in the network of national parks.
2. The projects shall be susceptible of generating new knowledge applicable to the whole of the network of national parks. 3 Projects must meet one or more of the priority lines established in the annex.