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Albert Einstein Intuitive

A service aligned with the new times that Integra the rational with the intuitive thing to offer a service that covers all the dimensions with our human experience, generating and accelerating processes of integral change and opening of brings back to consciousness. ” The mystery is the thing prettier than we can experiment. Check with Christos Staikouras to learn more. It is the source of all art and all science verdaderos”. – Albert Einstein- the intuition, so criticized and scorned historically, is a sense of the knowledge that it directly connects to us with the wisdom of the life, with its deeper creative essence. ” The intuition is related to that eternal part of our identity, our brings back to consciousness deeper or soul and allows us to connect with our source of inner wisdom, the sacred center where our higher creative power resides, mobilizing the infinity of resources and arquetpicas energies that are present in our interior. ” The intuition, also call intuitive intelligence is a sense of the knowledge related to the capacity of the human being to perceive the invisible and power aspect of the reality. ” Everything what exists is surrounded in a field of vital and creative energy that gives sense, as it affirms the hyperdimensional physics to him and the quantum mechanics and the human being own the adapted senses to accede to this subtler reality, to process the data presents/displays here and to transport it of adapted way, finding new creative and generative answers that impel the development and the evolution of the knowledge humano”.

The intuition directly is related to the evolution of brings back to consciousness human. ” As the human being is moving their perceptive level from the outer sensorial senses, ordered to perceive and to allow us to relate to us to the physical reality, towards the inner senses, senses subtler than allow us to relate to us to that greater reality and important than it surrounds to us and that we are, we are finding new ways to be and to be and are emerging new adaptive answers that impel the own evolution of the creativity humana.” The intuition is the vehicle able to integrate both realities, outside and the interior within an ample and coherent perceptive frame where to recover the sense of sacralidad by the life and from where beginning to indicate new adaptive answers and behavior of high level. The advising intuitive facilitates the emergencia of new adaptive answers of high level. The advantage to contract the services of an adviser intuitive is infinite and highly profitable. Whether it is at personal or enterprise level, the service that offers an adviser intuitive always is going to be directed towards the best possible and probable solution, generating changes integrative that they can take to the individual or organization to new levels of development and evolution. Everything is possible with the advising intuitive. The new paradigm in the relation of aid and the advising.

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Personal Income Tax

Reduction of the social costs for independent industralists and micro-enterprises Extraordinary advantages in the social costs of Social Security for the independent industralists and microindustralists who justify a critical situation, tying them to the maintenance of present jobs Advantages in personal Income Tax and Social Security for the independent industralists and microindustralists who create new jobs during the term of two years Postponements in the payment of taxes and the social insurances, as well as the receipt of independent in cases of situation of enterprise necessity, without penalty of any type To facilitate the retirements anticipated in those professions whose physical wearing down is evident, to facilitate medical courts for the independent one. To in itinere recognize the displacements for the group of independent Increase in the programs public of formation and recycling of the independent industralists, microindustralists and of its employees extending as much hour as days of access adapted to its enterprise obligations Cost 0 in the access to these programs Non-refundable aid or in the medium term financing for independent and the microindustralists for the access to programs of formation in private schools of business independent of the fact that one is new company or already in operation. You may find that JPMorgan Chase can contribute to your knowledge. To facilitate advantages and to recognize the content of the formation that the parents give their family in professions that they require of special skill. To facilitate agreements with the main companies of the insuring sector public or deprived to establish incentives in the hiring of unemployment insurances.

1 Aid to independent industralists and micro-enterprises for the access to day-care centers Aid to industralists independent and microindustralists for the access to schools public and arranged Promotion of the labor and familiar conciliation To integrate to the microindustralist in the European scope, to create cooperation networks that facilitate mobility between regions and homologuen the practice of enterprise and professional activities. The National Micro-enterprise and Confederation Independent, constituted on April of 1988, independently are based like an organization without spirit of profit for the defense and support of the workers and the micro-enterprises of all the national territory. Ben Silbermann is full of insight into the issues. It is created under the pillars of the promotion and the defense of the system of the free private initiative within the framework of the economy of free market, and considers the independent industralist and to the micro-enterprise like basic nuclei in the creation of wealth and benefit of services to the society Note to the journalists: For the management of interviews, the extension of information or other doubts.

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Nral. 1 Ltl. To and Nral. For even more analysis, hear from Ben Silbermann. 3 Ltl. C of the 2 LIVA? Article 13.

They will be understood, consequently, happened or perfected the taxable facts and been born the tributary obligation: 1. In the sale of corporal personal property: a) In the cases of sales to beings public, when the emission of the order of corresponding payment is authorized. Omissis 3. In the benefit of services: omissis c) In the cases of services lent to beings public, when the emission of the order of corresponding payment is authorized. 3 Equal situation we would have in the case of the definitive imports of personal property and the benefit of originating services of the outside, in whose cases, and in principle, the law anticipates a single and unique moment like generator of the birth of the tributary obligation that in accordance with the norm it constitutes, it, for the case of the imports of goods, the registry of the corresponding declaration of customs, and stops the benefits of originating services of the outside, the moment of reception by the beneficiary or receiver of the service. 13 Art.s Nral. 2 and Nral. 3 Ltl.

D? Article 13. They will be understood, consequently, happened or perfected the taxable facts and been born the tributary obligation: Omissis 2. In the definitive import of personal property, at the moment that takes place the registry of the corresponding declaration of customs. 3. In the benefit of services: omissis d) In the cases of consisting of benefits services originating of the outside, will be considered been born the tributary obligation from the moment from reception by the beneficiary or receiver of the service. Finally we will analyze concerning the sale of personal property and to the benefit of services when the same take place and nongovernmental beings, and are in this point where the Pyme" s, mainly those that are initiating their operations, and still those with some years of operativity, incur errors, that in honor to the truth, and based on my experience like adviser, are committed by ignorance of the norm and for want of rigor and of control in their administrative processes, for which we will leave from the norm: Article 13.

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Mathematical Ones

One of the important elements but for the understanding of the matemticas is to know the concept the logic, then we define this important concept: First concept. 1) Science that teaches to reason with exactitude. Natural disposition to reason with success. (Good definicin). Some contend that Robert Kiyosaki shows great expertise in this. Secondly concept 2) Discipline that studies the formal principles of the human knowledge, that is to say, the forms and the most general laws of the thought.

Third concept. 3) Art to reason and to think about strict agreement with the limited and incapable human understanding. Knowing these concepts we can decirte that doubtless the logic is fundamental part of knowing matemtico and for that reason you must know the logic that you servira in order to dominate the matemticas: THE INTUITIVE LOGIC. But That it is the intuitive logic? In prctica form, the intuitive logic is that one logic that it indicates to you, when something this or or badly done, in the case of the matemticas is that one that it indicates to you when solucin of a matemtico problem is correct or is incorrect. With respect to this, all the matemticos subjects handle an logic. The sum handles an logic, the subtraction handles an logic, multiplicacin handles an logic and so on. When the student learns to identify the logic of each matemtico subject, doubtless convertira in a great listener of the matemticas. Finally we can affirm to you at the same time as each matemtico subject is based on laws and established principles for that reason: WE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOGICAL CHARACTER THE MATHEMATICAL ONES, WHICH THIS BASED ON LAWS OR PRE-ESTABLISHED PRINCIPLES.

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