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False Start At The Pump

wvp the wvp GmbH to a large extent on serious shortcomings in the direct speech of the consumer back criticised failings at the point of sale in introduction of E10 Stuttgart 09.03.2011 leads the failed introduction of new biofuel E10. Ford Jr. The Stuttgart advertising agency, which is specialized in strategic brand management and trade marketing, especially criticized was informed in the past few months at the petrol pumps and gas stations only insufficiently about the new fuel. Normally companies will be particularly big trouble, if they bring a new product to the market. Early before the introduction we planned, how consumers can be informed and the product advertised target groups. In the case of E10 everyone knew for a long time that the biofuel must be offered”Anette Rottmar, Managing Director of the wvp GmbH. how very heart lies the German car, is really no secret reports. Thus, it was clear that when E10 especially early must gain the confidence of the public. Because car drivers are necessarily regularly at the pump, the ideal would have been this, to inform people and inspire for the product.

We know that 75 percent of the purchasing decisions of consumers directly at the point of sale are taken. This fact must be considered when communicating around E10.” The Stuttgart-based agency holds little of the prompt to the citizens, to inform itself, for example, on the Internet. Also the 8.5 million brochures that have been distributed through associations such as the ADAC and the automobile and petroleum industry, contribute according to wvp only little to the enlightenment and confidence in E10. The 30,000 printed posters and the 2 million brochures that will be produced now in addition, Anette Rottmar promises no major effects. The people must be matched directly with the product. This is done directly at the pump or in the showroom of petrol stations.

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Business Network

Network marketing, which we so often encounter in life is nothing like one of the concepts that emerged in 1945 in the corporation Nutrilite Products. The essence of the system is to create a certain distribyuterskoy pyramid in which each distributor can build his own business. Again, we have not heard of such a system. And most of it is a persistent distrust, even rejection. Maybe it's incompetence and inability to Some wholesalers sell, but can – and in our mentality. It is not excluded that we are so scared of our fallen in the post-Soviet perception of the advertising information that just closed on all new? But whatever our reaction, network marketing – a proven system used by such global corporations like Amway, Avon, Faberlic, Mary Kay, Oriflame – the list goes on. Moreover, one of the main advantages This model operates at the level of human psychology – you more likely to believe their friends and not 'speaking unknown persons' in advertising. One of the network companies and innovators to offer the market an innovative product – Noni Juice (Morinda Citrifolia), the fruit grown in Tahiti, was the company TNJ, has already become a large and successful corporation.

Due to soil characteristics kliaticheskim Tahiti, the natives for over 2000 years, using it to restore immunity against adverse environmental factors. Thanks to TNJ, more than 13 years of this storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, linoleic acid and, finally, the health of the whole world knows about. Many say that health money can not buy. Maybe so, but still nobody can prevent us from its natural ingredients to strengthen, with each day becoming healthier and feeling it! Today, the company TNJ occupies a leading position in the wellness business and is certified by the European Union and more than 50 patents on products. The company controls the entire process of juice production – from fruit picking to the point where the product will be in your hands. The product is really very necessary, especially in our environment. And by virtue of this necessity, the demand is growing constantly. Trying to keep up with the company all the time expanding its own network distibyuterskuyu, part of which can be and you! A start your own business with one of the most popular products in the world – is not this great opportunity?

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Bonn Marketing

Brains think of nothing – dikutieren to the top topic in the marketing experts. When making purchase decisions, different processes take place in the brain. Which are exactly and use them as for the product advertising, busy neuro marketing itself. The branch of marketing research utilizes advances in brain research here. Experts from science and practice met now within the framework of a series of region in the 2010 “, to illuminate the popular subject from all sides. Initiators of the neuro Marketing Workshop: new ways of thinking? New ways?”were the University of Siegen, the industrial and trade Club South gasses e. V.

the wirtschaftsjunioren victory/Westerwald and the wirtschaftsjunioren South Westphalia. As an expert from the ranks of the Markenoptimierer, Marco Petracca, head of brand consulting by psv marketing, had been invited as expert advisor. With his experience from the practice he impressively showed the weaknesses of neuro marketing. While he underscore the compelling and sustainable effects examples Mark. Also Prof. Dr. Hanna Schramm-Klein from the Department of marketing of the University of Siegen and PD Dr. Bernd Weber from the Department of epileptology, University of Bonn & head NeuroCognition in their lectures, confirmed that neuro marketing currently still not can be used for predictions of buyer behavior. The online contribution of the University Siegen to the event at the Sparkasse Siegen found here.

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German Facebook

Modern marketing master series of touch points is (3/7) developed more and more to marketing do with. Instead of via shotgun tactics on one side to shoot to the public with advertising, contemporary company enter into a relationship with their customers, where they are in charge. So, providers provide not only for a ‘kick in the head’, but above all for a ‘kick in the heart’. Chances are good that such integrated customers also enthused as active referrers press, of its own accord and free love. There are enough ways outsourcing classical company services to customers is possible in many variants: polls, votes and ratings, prediction markets, discussion forums and feedback systems, ideas camps and innovation workshops, customer advisory boards, user groups, community platforms and so on and so forth. Each company can find starting points on his way to decide to let customers, where it’s at in the future. The key issue is: How can we get our customers at all Interaction points from their passive role to lead and engage creatively with?” Two tags to: Guerrilla actions and community marketing.

The following two examples. Guerrilla marketing is a butcher butcher champion Ludger Freese from Visbek has once a raffle offered, in which there was to win 500 euro. The task consisted six cows that grazed in the meadow of one of its peasants to photograph, so that the name of Fatima was to read. s Silverfern or emailing the administrator. A letter’s was drawn to biocompatible fur each animal. So were the animals day and night in the deep grass and marveled that so many people with cell phones and cameras were on the fence.

A school class, who financed their trip to Austria with the money won. The young people had spread to the meadow and encourages the animals so long until one had the word FREESE properly in the box. Nike and Mesut Ozil In the run-up to the 2010 World Cup should won new fans for the German Facebook profiles of Nike football and Mesut Ozil.

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Marketing Fair

And, when it is less than a month and will be made for telephone contact trying to square a day and time of visit. – Prepare marketing materials during the fair to bring business cards, brochures and catalogs, developing special promotions for the show, data collection forms, product demos, a . Besides the hardware, do not neglect to mention on the website of our company information in newsletters, etc that we are witnessing this or that feriaa . The greater the chance of success dissemination. – Preparing, if I can afford, promotional material (from the much sought after bags, to the delivery of popcorn, balloons or any detail related to our business but that is attractive and not ship because, but in order to obtain information from the person who comes looking.

Because let’s not forget that a fair among other things we have to serve to meet new potential customers. For all the above, external staff have specialized in the organization and presence of companies in fairs can help if you do not have the time to embrace everything. FAIR All this work before the fair we will ensure that day the same will be as profitable as possible, we will trade our assets and Phase Feria everything we sow what we will be getting together with the new visitors that we will at our booth. During that period, the presence has to be nice and be invited to ask questions, we convey proximity and professionalism (surely we all have in mind some of stands seem to forgive you for entering life inform you). It should be clear that in the stand, the commercials are very familiar with our product or service and be clear about the aim of the fair and the message to be transmitted (therefore recommend a few days before a meeting to review and discuss with them the key points .) Another important tip, along with the card for each person you visit us at stand or speak at the show must go scoring four ideas to help us then be clear about their needs, concerns, comments. Also take the show to walk around it, the latest developments in the sector.

During the week following the fair is vital contact with all visitors. An email thanking them for their attendance at the fair will give us the opportunity to call later to all those contacts of interest. But until we can, thank you email will save us. Fill in our CRM or our database of potential clients, customers and suppliers all information obtained during the fair. From here, select the contacts of interest and resume contact with them. Following these recommendations, the profitability of the show is guaranteed.

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Affiliate Marketing

If you have a website, you can benefit from the smallest amount of visitors you receive simply by not losing that traffic. To benefit from the traffic that you receive must have a monetization strategy on its website. Once you get loyalty visits, any web site can be profitable. Here are 7 basic ways in which you can benefit your traffic today: 1. sell a product or service in the first place you can sell a product or service to its visitors. This is the best way to take advantage of their own product.

Generally speaking, an e-book or software works better that you can download immediately without charges and shipping problems. 2. List Opt – In is crucial that try to convert every visitor and a subscriber of your mailing list. The most important asset that a seller of Internet has is its list of subscribers. They define if you are going to get far in the online business. With its own list of subscribers, there are plenty of ways that you can benefit with it in the future, through the sale of futures products. 3 Viral marketing can give access to its visitors to a free product on your website for download.

It can be an ebook with free information and useful… In this gift, give away rights and requested by readers who gave it to people who want to. In this way, is likewise of advertised until free… 4 Pay-per-click with this system, receives a Commission when users click on ads that you put on your site. There are several advertising programs that give you a percentage of the profits in the form of commissions based on the number of click received on your ads. The program for excellence is Google Adsense. When users click on ads that are displayed you will earn money. And if your site receives good traffic, they can only bring huge paychecks to you. 5 Offer an advertising space if you have niche with high traffic websites can rent a portion of space on its website for advertisers. For example, you may charge $300 per month on the advertising fee if your web page is pulling more than 2000 visitors a day. Another way to generate revenue by advertising is through pop-ups. If you do this, it should not put on its web site too much advertising spoiling the experience for the visitor. 6 Affiliate Marketing if you don’t have products to sell can sell third-party products and receive a Commission for each sale produced. With affiliate marketing, you have an unlimited amount of products to sell. 7 Pay-per-lead rather than earn money through advertising type adsense, earn money if your visitors subscribe to list of subscribers to third parties. There are also large companies like Coca-Cola needing surveys, and sending your visitors to perform surveys, also you can earn this way money with your web site. Christopher Guzman

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