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Domiciliary Health

The IMPORTANCE OF the DOMICILIARY ATTENDANCE TO the AGED CARRIER OF CHRONIC ILLNESS Daniela Jacobina Sandra Hawk Xavier Eliani Dombrowski Cavalcante SUMMARY domiciliary Attendance is a program of domiciliary internment in which the patient requires cares in its residence and as the concern with the aging of the Brazilian population is increasing, mainly, in what if it says respect to the health, the AD ones was adaptou to take care of to the aged carriers of chronic illnesses with a health strategy whose purpose is to revert to the attention centered in hospitals and to provide the promotion, prevention and whitewashing the health in its residence and the side of the familiar ones. The Present article is a study carried through through bibliographical survey with the objective to show the importance of the assistance of nursing in the domiciliary internment to the aged carrier of chronic illness. One concludes that the readings carried through in the elaboration of this article had allowed to understand the importance in to offer to the aged well-taken care of o in the home, to the side of the family, preserving its autonomy and confirming the importance of the nurse, this, capable and competent to identify the specific necessities of each aged one interned in the program of domiciliary internment and from developing plans of specific cares there. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Domiciliary attendance Aged Assistance of Nursing. 1. INTRODUCTION For the end of century XVIII, in the Europe, before the sprouting of the great hospitals and the modality ambulatorial assistance, the cares domiciliary already were used. Today, the use of the domicile as space of attention to the health searchs to increase the rotation in the use of the hospital stream beds and to diminish the costs of the attention, beyond constructing a new model of attention centered in the monitoring to the health and the humanizao of the patient. .

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