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Regulated Pension Funds

Press release of the febs Consulting GmbH, 09.08.2010 the guaranteed discount factor of insurance companies and pension funds is currently not exactly lush with 2.25%. I’m glad to see that there is at least the one or the other provider of operational Altersversorgung in the market, with a slightly higher interest rate. It is usually known as regulated pension funds. These are pension funds, which are subject to a comprehensive obligation of approval by the Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdientsleistungen (BFin). The anzuwendende assumed interest rate is checked at this pension funds by BFin. Still considerable risks to the employer, if he opts for such a pension fund”, Andreas Buttler, Managing Director of bAV consulting firm warns febs consulting from Grasbrunn near Munich.

Pension funds employers assume generally that their commitment – including the pension adjustment is abgegolten shall – according to section 16 by payment of contributions. In a judgment of the 03.03.2010 has Hesse was decided that this does not apply to regulated pension funds, if the guaranteed interest rate of 2.25%. 16 adjustment can not be compensated then by the policyholder participation, but pensions need to be angepasst according to the increase in the cost of living. The surpluses for this purpose are not sufficient, the employer for the difference must come up. The employer shall be liable also for so-called rehabilitation clauses. These are clauses under denen a regulated Pension Fund financial problems can cut the services. This risk can also contractually not simply shift the employers on workers, as in 1 para 1 shall so regulated, that the employer for the promised supply is liable even if carried out by an externen carrier.

In addition to the issue of liability the need may arise according to the febs experts in addition to expel the obligation in the annex to the balance sheet. Companies wanted just that but with the choice of the Often just avoid implementation way pension fund. FEBS professional help offered undertakings concerned zumindest to limit the damage. News provides up-to-date information on many other current topics related to occupational pensions febs under. Your contact of febs Consulting GmbH Andreas Buttler CEO in the high field 3 85630 Grasbrunn/Munchen Tel. 089 / 890 42 86-10 as we employers in all questions relating to pension and TimeValue accounts consult independent experts and certified pension consultant. We analyze and refurbish existing power plants, create actuarial opinion of balance of and assist employers in the implementation of the new balance of power.

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Value Protection Cabinet

A value protection Cabinet ensures also the feature to make it possible to forge a so-called art words values through massive armor that has German as one of the essential characteristics. It is often only a together chaining standalone words, such as in the example of the value of protective cabinet (safe). On synonyms not lacking for truly and all say more or less the same. This begins with monosyllabic safe and continues safe, which is similar to the ancient Greek word for Treasury and there probably has its roots in the word. Safe from the English language and comes from the adjective with almost certainly safe (= secure), which in turn on the word salvus our ancient Roman (Latin)-based.

So there is a great selection for the same word. Safe for those who preferred Greek; Safe for the man who knows one with large or small Latinum. Of course the home value protection Cabinet or even the safe completes some the word range. A wide range is always interesting, because it avoids specifically a monotony and also too limited selections. Safe Schonert, the Stuttgart-based expert for safety in your own home, also relies on a large selection.

For over twenty years, the owner of Ingo Schonert deals with the various types of residential and commercial applications from safes. Here the selection in addition to the security plays a major role, because the important Interior and individually appropriate classification of the value units, is vital for the better organisation and optimised ease of application. A specialist advice in terms of value protection Cabinet, safe or how, whatever you want to call a projected, own safe, Ingo Schonert is highly informative and not binding. His speciality is to assist the Sicherheitsbedurftigen in the profiling of its needs. Each party has its individually defined needs and this usually covers a part of the production range renowned producers of safe.

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