At home making more is possible thanks to the Internet the practitioner training can be completed in a school of Naturopathic Medicine. There is a Naturopath school offering this training as a correspondence course. To find the Institute in the Internet under is information about the school and the team can be found in the category “about us”. On-site training offered practitioner for psychotherapy, classical homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine and veterinary medicine as the practitioner training. Who strives a certain practitioner training is in the practitioner school the appropriate course. For those who have already completed a practitioner training, specialist training courses offered are divided into human medicine and veterinary medicine. The registration form for the specialist training courses, seminars and workshops can be filled out online. The state-certified and approved correspondence courses, are offered as a holistic education and training.
Who can’t decide between the courses can, should consult the competent team. Even though it is a distance learning course personal contact with the students the school team is a particular concern. Negative and positive feedback to help improve the quality of distance learning. For 14 years the correspondence courses are successfully so far. The team of Heilprakitkerschule itself regularly participates in continuing education and training to bring closer to the latest scientific findings and treatment methods the Extramural students. This is done to an important foundation stone for the later, successful exercise of the profession of naturopaths. Who does not know how he will finance the training, information on about the funding opportunities. The students can choose between four ways, education savings, the continuing education loan, the education premium and the Bildungsurlaub. Which support option is the suitable, everyone must find out.