Many today view the Internet as a convenient medium for publishing information about business in the form of standard texts or advertising leaflets. The big mistake is to create a WEB-site by the department of advertising and marketing companies operating in today's realities and not assessing the real prospects for corporate sites in the future. It is today the world wide web should be viewed sighting as one of the most important factors for the process management and business development for tomorrow. Try to ask the head of marketing, strategic plans and what ideas he has to arise in connection with terms such as virtual team web-developers or, for example, mikroperevody. If any association or sensible thoughts on this are not available, then it's time to take care to study the problem today, because tomorrow is too late. Internet is already at the current stage of development allows you to try out new methods of doing business and completely change the model, to prepare for a sudden and dramatic changes of behavior of users world wide web.
For example, the company may now given a real globalization, where the project shall be made from one team to support the other as you rotate the globe, allowing you to work around the clock. (Not to be confused with Hyundai!). Company for a few months at the time of X competition will eat, if fails to reorganize and develop new ways of doing business. Predicting the future technological revolution in web-environment, the vast majority makes two typical errors. The first – re-evaluation of short-term effects, the second – they underestimate what excusable only actors who can not or are unable to think analytically and to the prediction. Quick and easy money on the internet has been so hyped and so like saving the whole audience, that most pleased to overestimate what you can expect from web-business within the next couple of years. In 2006, in runet had 20 million users in 2009 recorded 40 million How many of them will be 2 years? Perhaps 60 or even 80 million – nearly all able-bodied population of the country. Most business sites will not be able to get in the coming years a significant profit. First, because there is no natural competition – the position in the ranking of search engines to buy.
Second, because of technological backwardness – the functionality of sites for free and obsolete control systems are limited and may not be improvement. From the Russian CMS, certified and supported by the manufacturer only 1C Bitrix meets the realities of the future. But the paradox – the site owners gladly save a few thousand rubles today, preferring to samopisnye or global content management system, restricting their freedom of movement in the network and the ability to manage intellectual property (domain name). However, it should not be underestimated what happens when access to the Internet will have any. The era of wireless Internet has become a reality, the question of the propagation velocity quite cheap in fact technology. Global jump in the number of users is around the corner – Experts expect the network capacity as the number of connections in the square (at least). Thus, the real value of web can be evaluated after a major restructuring will be all business processes of enterprises, or otherwise dependent on Web users.