The key aspect for the success in the far East is to familiarize yourself with the mentality of the country with intercultural competence to the success in Korea. What is already known and accepted for China and Japan on a broad basis, of course also applies to Korea, where it must not make the mistake, to equate the Korean mentality and culture with those of China or Japan. Korea: Emerging economy a half generation ago Korea, at least the democratic southern part of the country, one of the so-called Tiger States “developing economies in East and Southeast Asia, which were on the go, from the emerging market to become the industrial nation. Korea seems to have made this leap now. Korean products break anyway, on a broad front in markets, which were dominated at the end of the last century by Japanese companies.
Our radio, television or walk-Mans (Yes, at that time there were still magnetic tape cassettes) were provided with Japanese company name for quality and innovation were. The local or American pioneers from the period of the economic miracle had long been replaced by them. Who was looking for a qualitatively acceptable alternative to European cars, access to Japanese cars. Today, however, consumers increasingly at once exotic car brands such as Hyundai or KIA accustomed. And electronic products carry Korean brand name already to a large extent. Key factor intercultural competence it has become a global heavyweight Korea not only in the export. Also the internal market with nearly 50 million consumers, which have an average purchasing power, that is, for example, significantly above the all South American countries, offers an interesting field of activity for European companies.
The key aspect for the success in the far East is to familiarize yourself with the mentality of the country. What is already known and accepted for China and Japan on a broad basis, applies also to Korea, where we must not make the mistake, the Korean mentality and culture with those of China or Japan to equate. Global cultures – comprehensive offer many companies have therefore the intercultural skills of their employees as an integral part in their staff development programmes already. Global cultures Academy for intercultural management offers therefore seminars, a cultural awareness laying the basis for the necessary. In addition, global cultures in appropriate organizational development advice, and convey knowledge targeted success ultimate interactive business events of a wide group. Cultural awareness is a process hooked up but not by visiting an event”can be. Rather, it comes through role playing, simulations and group work to deepen the learned not only to develop intercultural competence, but to provide also a valuable contribution to their implementation in daily business life. It is this range of specialist and managerial staff, the both directly live and work to do as well on those, as in the daily business with Koreans in Korea have. Ekaterina Beekes – global cultures