INCOME TAX At time of Income tax return is important to reflect the contradiction between what the Constitution praises and what the Federal Prescription allows. The Constitution assures rights and duties. If to leave to fulfill its duties, will be charged, but happens the inverse one if to desire to exert its rights? The Brazilian Constitution has 250 articles. Back in the end, Art. 208, was inserted a text for the few that arrived there, already tired, did not reflect: ‘ ‘ basic education is obligator to all how many it they need and the attendance is gratuitous to educating, in basic education, through suplemental programs of didactic-pertaining to school material, it has carried, feeding and assistance to sade’ ‘.
It follows the severe punishment for the authorities that to neglect in offers of these rights. In Art. 215, it is written: ‘ ‘ The State will guarantee to all the full cultural right of action and access the sources of national culture ‘ ‘. However, the manual of the Income tax, when treating of the relative deductions to the Education, it says that the limit of the deduction is of R$ 2,708, 94 per year (this value is one of the new features of the new limits for exemption of this year). If to study in particular school, knows that this value not pays nor six months of monthly fee.
has more: the Lion also not accepted deductions of expenses carried through with uniforms, material, transport, dissertao, necessary acquisition of books, magazines, periodicals and other products. So that it serves the Constitution? To charge duties? It agrees that the State controls the Education? It controls until the quality and the amount. We know that the State is necessary to take care of the population that cannot frequent schools particular, however is necessary to demand our rights and to fiscalize the responsible authorities so that they offer to all access an Education of quality. Mainly to who it does not have conditions of arcar with the expenditures that the Education, that is each time more demanding necessity of information of educating. But so that this happens we must be cliente of our rights and duties. Claultyon Andrey Farias (Student of the Course of Right?