In addition to this term we have put forward demands which must be presented to develop strategies and systems implementation: 1) the strategy should not be abstract in nature, since definition developed plans is key to the success of the company, and 2) the development and implementation strategies should be viewed primarily as a means of ensuring the integrity and consistency management decisions, 3) strategy development process can not end with immediate effect, because Work on the strategic plan should be carried out by the continuous search, and 4) since the work of most firms carried out in conditions of uncertainty, there is a need to develop a range of options the company strategy in a dynamically changing environment, 5) the strategic plan should be flexible, ie implying faster and adequate response to any changes within the organization and the external environment, and 6) management system the firm must have the tools to transform strategy into ongoing development programs and production plans, and 7) the design and implementation strategies should be well-organized feedback, allowing time to make changes and additions to the strategic plan. In our view, forth requirements for developing and implementing strategies indicate considerable complexity and multidimensional process of strategic management. Nevertheless, compliance with these requirements is the key successful enterprise. References 1. Belarusian oa, Rogachev B. On the Concept of Strategic Management, Economics of Ukraine, 1992. – 1. – With.
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