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A limited number of exceptionally dedicated, experienced everyday seminar managers, lecturers, trainers and consultants be sought to carry out regional and uberreginalen seminars for the education and training of this future contact on-site education independent educational consultants and education agencies. This should perform regional and interregional training seminars for independent and successful education consultants and education agencies. The education and training is guaranteed through various forms of seminar. For the presentation of the training concepts, there are two-day seminars in Dresden, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg and Dusseldorf. Complete seminar materials on the implementation of each form of seminar participants will receive seminar head coaching.

The seminars are held only as long as until the right collaborators in the necessary numbers have been found. Also more lucrative contracts concerning seminars only on these seminars to the education and training of education advisers and Awarded education agents. The private education market has developed very one-sided in recent years. Due to the steadily increasing demand of citizens for educational programs in the country and abroad, a variety of private education providers in the private education market has established itself. The brokers and cooperation partners for education providers so independent educational consultants and education agencies are anything but until today. At the same time, education willing citizens are looking for a personal and independent educational consultant on site, they can talk through their and the objectives of the education their children. Your”education advisor to create a training plan based on these education goals by he simply and understandably represents all the facts, including financing with funding, to the selected education program. And he should care for them in the long term “education in terms of”.

More information about independent education advice and job vacancies: seminar leader coaching.htm BildungsmaklerNetzwerk leads including seminars and Workshops to the independent education counselling in whole Germany, to accelerate the development of a training pool for independent education counselling. BildungsmaklerNetzwerk is supported by BildungsMakler24. BildungsMakler24 runs a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. Contact: BildungsmaklerNetzwerk AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden phone: 0351-2543405 mobile: 01577 1720859 email: Internet: