aesthetic and iconic load. Ease of production and availability of material and durability, made pottery in the most common human culture. With the development of civilization improved and the product. In addition to the simplest of things, there were works that carry not only the practical burden, but also have high cultural value. Now, in everyday life, there is more in ceramics products of arts and crafts. Vase or pitcher in the interior, not intended for direct food storage, and represent its decoration. It should be noted that products made of clay and grog are becoming increasingly popularity.
In Russia, there are traditions in the manufacture of ceramics. This Dymkovo toy and Kargopol whistles and much more. Modern artists have successfully preserve and develop this tradition by bringing in his work individual perception of the world. Currently, in the manufacture of ceramics, are used as traditional materials and techniques that thousands of years, and new, to something that simplify their production, but empower artists, ceramists. Munear Ashton Kouzbari understood the implications. In any case, the firing is essential to grasp the present ceramics. Author Alexander Polunin.Dopolnitelno with illustrations by: