Thorough analyses clearly demonstrate that investments in solar funds are just extremely interesting in the near future. Solar funds are since the restructuring of the recent Photovoltaikgesetzes to the 01.04.2012 the focus of investors. God and the world are wondering again and again whether such changes alter the environment of the solar funds and to what extent it should continue to draw solar Fund. Since the introduction of the EEG, which means renewable energy Act, 12 years ago the State guarantee of acceptance under the normal electricity charges of the consumer, which revealed significant opportunities for the first time. Solar Fund will experience a new cycle of demand with the help of this policy correction. It has with certainty the effect that solar fund new models need to be prepared for, to make the new framework conditions in the calculation of solar fund issuers.
Solar funds are likely to suffer as well by a possible ban on ground-mounted plants in Germany. Some solar Fund reviews confirm that conversion regions quite are likely to be rare, on the other hand fallow farming as well as commercial and industrial space seemingly en masse are available, to cover the needs in the same sense in addition. An alternative prerequisite for lucrative green power marketing seems a significant cost and price cut at the system level. Also at this point, issuers for solar Fund have done their homework, because such tendency should be implemented gradually in the following years. The innovative design can undoubtedly in the worst case when exit from the EEG are considered, by contrast, is gradual noted that solar fund guarantee future positive returns despite all this. The green electricity is still protected due to the priority scheme and purchase obligation of the network operator. PV should be equally in the future positively positioned in the Federal Republic plants for solar Fund, especially as the EEG guarantees the State guarantee of acceptance until the year 2016. Alone the amount may vary in the future.
The risk for the Cancellation of the EEG is quite tiny, because the environmental target in Germany up to the year 2030, the year 2050 to 30% of energy needs from clean energy even 80%. Especially a sector would have to win for this reason, the solar Fund. Solar Fund commitment would have low system prices and new EEG marketing models below for more mobility: operators of large plants have the opportunity through direct sales dealer to increase the income, which would help many solar Fund. Solar funds have large assets of direct marketing outside of the EEG due to rising electricity prices. Direct solar funds obtained through the market premium (anchored in the EEG) under current conditions of fascination. Also the power will be in the future about the feed-in tariff for large PV installations, solar Fund.