THAT TO DO? In the last 2000 years, Christianity has been present at crucial moments of history providing illustrious men, heroes and Saints the most representative at each stage of history are Benito de Nursia, Agustin de Hipona, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Ignacio de Loyola, for the: current circumstances again Christianity offers a spiritual and social alternative: Shoenstatt born in Germany, movement! founded by father Jose Kentenich October seriesm – 1914 is a church movement (why seeks to strengthen it) is Mariano (because it has one; very special relationship with Maria-Alianza de Amor)-Apostolic (because already projected society) and revolutionary (because it proposes a change). THAT PROPOSED SHOENSTATT? 1. The struggle for a new world by a free, just and fraternal society. 2. The formation of a new man, which makes it possible to change, which cultivate your inner life with Christian values, that is inspired by Jesus such as; model and in Mary as the trainer of the new man. 3. The strives to develop in every Christian; an authentic faith, a practical faith that serves as a link or bridge between the theory and the practice to him allow Christians to demonstrate their faith in the studies, in the family business, at work, in the sport that not arrincone only to devotions or rites, wrenched the dichotomy between faith and life and fighting the increasing secularization of society. CONCLUSIONS the socialism excited us with a new world, history has proven its failure, but we are still dreaming of that better world (except the social anafectivos) where there is a better standard of living, a better quality of human dignity, where there is no famine or poverty, where there are authentic; values, let us give Shoenstatt the opportunity to make this dream a reality: A new man, a new world (not in heaven, but here on Earth) and this; does not mean cucufatear, but keep fighting for bread, peace, Justice democratic freedom etc but with a new guest: God and with a new philosophy of practical faith in the divine Providencia, let that materialism is resting in peace. Original author and source of the article