The Not-Governmental Organizations really serevelam for its diversity. Lately, with the ambient crisis the movimentoambientalista is fulfilling to much more militancy paper it, faster buscandoprovidencias and the people have perceived this. The one search modelode sustainable development, that does not harm the nature, is the objetivomaior of the ambientalista movement, that in recent years became expressive nomundo. The ONGs, has as main asset to the credibility that many times faltaao government, as well as the agility in the execution of its mission. They have been ofortalecimento of the civil society in as well as umagarantia planetary dimension to Which segment below you classify comoo more worried about the subjects related to the environment. Percentile segment (%) the government 5 3,4 industries agricultural sector 3,4 society in general 34 the commercial sector did not have the ONG’ s the 47,5 medias 5 did not answer 1,7 Table 8 discloses that the majority of the funcionriosentrevistados ones believes that can have economic and social development without agerao of ambient impacts, since that has the ambient control of the fontespoluidoras. Today the ambient impact becomes inevitable when it is acted in searched development economic and social and ahead of this affirmation we have to quetentar to minimize these impacts the possible maximum, since it is praticamenteimpossvel to open hand of the development. As Fenker (2008) all atuaohumana impacta in the nature and this is necessary.> You find that she can have social development econmicoe without the generation of ambient impacts.
Answers Percentile (%) Yes, since that it has the ambient control of the polluting sources. 67,8 Not, therefore the ambient impact is non-separable of all process of development. 13,6 Not, have cases where the ambient impact is> price to be paid for the society. 15,2 I do not have conditions to think on such subject. 3,4 CONCLUSION Through the application and analysis of the questionnaires foipossvel to know which the vision, the knowledge and the behavior that osfuncionrios of the Frum of the city of Itapetinga-Bahia have in relation ambient squestes.
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